Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ridley Park Swim Club Takes Ridley Cup

14th Annual Ridley Cup Swim Meet between the four summer swim clubs located in the Ridley School District.

The entire Ridley swimming community enjoyed a Fathers Day full of camaraderie for the annual meet that emphasizes participation over competition. Nassau Swim Club, celebrating its 50th anniversary this summer, was the host.
WINNER of the meet was Ridley Park Swim Club (fifth time ever)
Final scores: Ridley Park 576; Nassau 487; Ridley Township 434; Aquatic 319
The meet limits swimmers to two events in order to enhance overall participation. It is the most highly attended meet of the season for these four teams.

New Record Holders are:

Pool Record - 12&Un Girls 100 IM - Kiera Wadsworth, Ridley Park 1:38.65 (old record holder was Megan Burns of DeLaSalle in 2009).

Team Record for Nassau - 18&Un Boys IM - Connor O'Prey 1:23.47 (old record holder was Mike Humes in 1984)

Double Winners (most possible with two-event limit)

Name, Team, Gender, Event

Ricky VanVladricken Ridley Park 12&U IM & Back Male

Kevin Tanzosh Ridley Park 8&U Back & Free Male

Justin Monaghan Ridley Park 12&U Brst & Free Male

Mitchell Cardow Ridley Park 12&U Fly & Relay Female

Nicole Brestowski Ridley Park 18&U IM & Relay Female

Brianna Celotto Ridley Park 14&U Fly & Relay Female

Kiera Wadsworth Ridley Park 12&U IM & Free Female

Allison Kardow Ridley Park 14&U IM & Free Female

Jen Cardow Ridley Park 8&U Fly & Relay Female

Erin Lynch Ridley Park 12&U Fly & Relay Female

Joe Hulsey Nassau 10&U Back & Free Male

Connor O'Prey Nassau 18&U IM & Brst Male

Shane Bonner Nassau 18&U Back & Free Male

Tara O'Prey Nassau 18&U Brst & Free Female

Zach Anderson Ridley Township 8&U Fly & Brst Male

Quinton Beck Ridley Township 14&U IM & Brst Male

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