Monday, July 18, 2011

Springfield U10 Girls are Del Val runners-up

The Springfield U10 softball team is the Del Val North Division C Pee Wee runners-up. This underdog team had a fantastic season and the coaches and parents are extremely proud of their accomplishments. Team members are (bottom row) Alana DiRenzo, Megan Mackey, Kaitlyn Conley, Rachel Conran, Lauren Johnston, Julia Hennessy, (middle row) Samantha Ciano, Alexa Abbonizio, Abby Ryan, Karli Dougherty, Kaitlyn Dougherty, Makayla McManus, Natalie Bruinsma, Ashlyn Coletti, Alexa White, (top row, coaches Jack Hennessy, Chris Johnston and Anthony Coletti. Missing from photo is Dana Mirigliano.

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