Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Annual St. Denis sports banquet

The 7th and 8th grade held their annual sports banquet last Sunday. After the 9:30 mass, the athletes and their families gathered in the Grimes Center for breakfast and to hear guest speaker Michael Bradley, a sports journalist and radio host.

After the 7th and 8th grade were recognized for their sports achievements, special awards were given out. The Louis Montanari Award, an award given to an 8th grade boy who shows outstanding scholarship, leadership and athletic ability went to Christopher Anderson.

The Hugh Bracken Award, an award given to an 8th grade girl who shows outstanding scholarship, leadership and athletic ability went to Lauren Dice. The Joe O’Connor Award given to both an 8th grade boy and girl who exhibit outstanding team spirit, enthusiasm and dedication was awarded to Maureen Heneghan and Matt Burns.

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