Friday, July 16, 2010

Hilltop Hurricanes win Del Val championship

The Hilltop Hurricanes ended their season 18-1 after winning the Del Val championship against Newtown Square, the team that gave them their only loss all season. Behind the strong pitching of Sammi Donato and Angie Sardella was a phenomenal defense and even better offense.

The team, pictured above, are (top row, from left) coaches Tim Fenning, Dave Fili, Joe Moran, Joe Donato, and Jeff Shiller. In the row standing are (from left) Brittany Campopiano, Maura Kane, Angie Sardella, Jennifer Pennoni, Kayla Fili. Sitting are (from left) MarryKate Fenning, Kelsey Moran, Sommer Donnelly, Maureen Wood, Allyson Lowe, Sammi Donato, and Meagan Milligan.

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